Motivation, Identity, Learning, and Education in STEM Lab
Going the extra MILES to support learning & development.
Going the extra MILES to support learning & development.
Interested in joining the lab? Please see our FAQ for prospective graduate students here. If you are an undergraduate or master's student looking to gain research experience by working in MILES Lab, please read this page and the FAQ linked above, then fill out this form:
For updates on lab activities, follow us on Bluesky and check out the blog.
For updates on lab activities, follow us on Bluesky and check out the blog.
Mission Statement
The mission of the lab includes mutually sustaining aims of (1) knowledge creation and (2) training, broadly construed.
Our knowledge creation mission is to better understand how students’ motivation changes over time, how changes in motivation relate to key outcomes, and what forces shape changes in motivation. The ultimate aim of the lab is to expand opportunities for the pursuit of students’ valued goals by informing the design of more equitably motivationally supportive classrooms.
Research Goals
Within this mission, we have a few key, proximal goals:
The mission of the lab includes mutually sustaining aims of (1) knowledge creation and (2) training, broadly construed.
Our knowledge creation mission is to better understand how students’ motivation changes over time, how changes in motivation relate to key outcomes, and what forces shape changes in motivation. The ultimate aim of the lab is to expand opportunities for the pursuit of students’ valued goals by informing the design of more equitably motivationally supportive classrooms.
Research Goals
Within this mission, we have a few key, proximal goals:
- Obtain or create reliable, valid ways to measure motivationally supportive practices in the classroom or, more broadly, the motivational climate, via direct observation and student perceptions.
- Understand how different students experience the motivational climate; in other words, find out what factors explain how motivational practices can be more or less supportive for different students.
- Understand how effective instructors enact principles for motivationally supportive instruction, and thus further refine those principles for the purpose of making specific recommendations for practice in different settings.
Graduate Students & Research Assistants
Lab Affiliates
- Dr. John Ranellucci, University of Ottawa
- Dr. Patrick Beymer, University of Cincinatti
- Dr. Krista Muis, McGill University
- The Motivation, Identity, and Learning (MIL) Lab at Old Dominion University, led by Dr. Tony Perez
- The Achievement Motivation and Emotion Research Group at McGill University, led by Dr. Nathan C. Hall
Lab Alumni
- So Yeon Lee (PhD Learning Sciences 2024): So Yeon's doctoral dissertation examined the experiences shaping computer science identity trajectories among undergraduate women of colour. She also first-authored and co-authored numerous papers and presentation with the MILES Lab team. She is currently a postdoctoral scholar at Texas State University.
- Qiyuan Zheng (MA Learning Sciences 2022): For her master's thesis, Qiyuan compared motivationally supportive practices in chemistry video lectures across Fall 2019 (pre-pandemic) and Fall 2020. During her time in MILES Lab, she co-authored four papers that were presented at national and international conferences. She is pursuing her PhD at the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) under the supervision of Prof. Earl Woodruff.
- Ella Christiaans (MEd Educational Psychology 2023): For Ella's MEd (concentration on inclusive education) special project, she examined trajectories of cost beliefs among students in introductory computer science courses. She received her BA in Psychology from McGill University in 2020. She is pursuing a M.Sc. in Speech Language Pathology at Dalhousie University. She is interested in students experiencing executive functioning difficulties and learning disorders.
- Sun Jung Choi (MEd Educational Psychology 2021): For her master's degree, Sun completed a research project on teachers' motivational practices under Dr. Robinson's supervision. Sun believes that happy student learns better, so her research interests are teacher's roles and strategies to support student's motivation and academic emotion. She is currently pursuing her PhD at McGill's Department of Integrated Studies in Education under the supervision of Dr. Marta Kobiela.
- Solomon Friedman (BA Psychology 2021, MILES Lab 2019-21): Solomon is a research assistant in Dr. Lauren Alloy’s Mood and Cognition Lab at Temple University, working on studies examining the onset of depression and bipolar disorder in teens. In Fall 2023, he will begin the dual clinical PsyD and MEd in Human Sexuality at Widener University. He is interested in the intersection of educational psychology and religion and how they can be used to better understand development and clinical psychological practices with regard to child psychology.
- Harshadaa Deshpande (BA Psychology 2020, MILES Lab 2020-21): Harshadaa is a master's student in I/O Psychology at the University of Guelph, having completed her B.A. in Psychology with the minor in Management at McGill University in spring 2020. Her research interests lie in the domains of motivation, decision-making and implicit judgements.
- Kira Rudakova (BA Psychology 2021, MILES Lab 2020-21): Kira's research interests include issues of burnout in STEM majors.
- Leila Graham (BA Psychology 2019): Leila is a Clinical Research Coordinator at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at CHOP. She works with Dr. Nancy Kassam-Adams on the traumatic stress research portfolio as part of the Post-Injury Care and Recovery team. Her current projects include a web-based screening tool to monitor children’s recovery, in addition to working with the Prospective Studies of Acute Child Trauma & Recovery Data Archive.
Our projects are supported by funding from:
In the Eye of the Beholder: Improving Theory-Informed Methods for Teacher Observation by Integrating Researcher, Student, and Teacher Perspectives
Connecting what teachers think, what teachers do, and what students think about it to motivational effects in large, introductory STEM courses and small high school classrooms.
Supporting Positive Motivation Trajectories in STEM Education
Examining average and heterogeneous trajectories of motivation, and exploring mechanisms of contextual supports for motivation.
A Shifting Motivational Landscape + Breaking Down Barriers
Exploring students' differential perceptions of and reactions to teachers' motivational supports in STEM courses, along with measurement of students' motivational climate perceptions.
Bootcamps as an Alternative Pipeline to a Diverse Technology Workforce
In collaboration with Lighthouse Labs, documenting the key factors explaining the choices, experiences, and outcomes of women's pursuit of an alternate
pipeline directly into the tech workforce. The ultimate aim of this project is to close opportunity gaps and increase the representation of women in computer science fields.
Identity Trajectories for College Students in STEM
Exploring heterogeneous science identity trajectories and their correlates in the short- and long-term from an expectancy-value theory perspective.
Mixed Emotions and Why They Matter in the Classroom
Identifying patterns of emotions in three unique STEM classroom settings and how profiles relate to motivation, academic engagement, and achievement.
Increasing Opportunity through Classroom Supports for Motivation and Identity Development (Fall 2017)
Worked with instructors to incorporate motivationally supportive practices into their instruction and facilitate multiple opportunities for optimal motivation through a randomized field experiment.
For the most up-to-date list of publications, see Kristy's Google Scholar profile at
Robinson, K. A., & *Shankar, S. (2025). Motivational trajectories and experiences of minoritized students in STEM: A QuantCrit examination of existing data. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2025). Same classroom, different affordances? Demographic differences in perceptions of motivational climate in five STEM courses. Journal of Experimental Education, 93(1), 110-135.
Greene, J. A., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Bold, humble, collaborative, and virtuous: The future of theory development in educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 36, 132.
*Johnson, C. D., *Lee, S. Y., *Diamant, R., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Charting the murky waters of motivational climate measurement: Past approaches and future directions. Educational Psychology Review, 36, article no. 123.
*Christiaans, E., *Lee, S. Y., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). What’s cost got to do with it? Cost belief trajectories of undergraduate computer science students. Educational Psychology, 4(5).
*Lee, S. Y., *Christiaans, E., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Development in context: Comparing short-term trajectories of expectancy, task values, and costs in four university STEM courses. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 78, 102282.
*Shankar, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Comparing relations among autonomy support, motivation, and academic success across face-to-face and pandemic online STEM learning environments. Learning and Individual Differences, 113, 102469.
Robinson, K. A., *Zheng, Q., *Shankar, S., *Lee, S. Y., & *Christiaans, E. (2024). Beyond self-report surveys: A comparison of methods for directly observing motivationally supportive teaching practices. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 76, 102254.
Robinson, K. A. (2023). Motivational climate theory: Disentangling definitions and roles of classroom motivational support, climate, and microclimates. Educational Psychologist, 58(2), 92-110.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2023). Same classroom, different affordances? Demographic differences in perceptions of motivational climate in five STEM courses. Journal of Experimental Education, advance online publication.
Sjogren, A. L., Robinson, K. A., & Koenka, A. C. (2023). Profiles of afterschool motivations: A situated expectancy-value approach. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 74, 102197.
Perez, T., Robinson, K. A., Priniski, S. J., Lee, Y., Totonchi, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2023). Patterns, predictors, and outcomes of situated expectancy value profiles in an introductory chemistry course. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (special issue: Learning Pathways Towards STEMM Excellence).
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Motivating by measuring motivation? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 70, 102072.
*Lee, S. Y., *Graham, L. R., *Friedman, S. N., *Christiaans, E. R., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Valuable but costly? University students’ expectancy-value-cost profiles in introductory chemistry courses. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, 102056.
Robinson, K. A., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., McKeague, M., Pavelka, L., & Sirjoosingh, P. (2022). You know what, I can do this: Heterogeneous joint trajectories of expectancy and attainment value in chemistry. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, 102055.
Robinson, K. A., *Lira, K., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2022). Instructional supports for motivation trajectories in introductory college engineering. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-18.
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Motivating by measuring motivation? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 70, 102072.
Lee, Y., Bovee, E. A., Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Lira, A. K., Briedis, D., Walton, S. P., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2022). Is expectancy or value alone sufficient? Latent interaction in predicting engineering students’ choice, persistence, and performance. Journal of Engineering Education, online first.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Liu, Z. (2022). Comparing college students’ motivation trajectories before and during COVID-19: A self-determination theory approach. Frontiers in Education.
Beymer, P. N., Robinson, K. A., Schmidt, J. A. (2021). Classroom activities as predictors of control, value, and state emotions in high school science. Journal of Educational Research.
Totonchi, D. A., Perez, T., Lee, Y., Robinson, K. A., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2021). The role of stereotype threat in ethnic minority students’ declining science motivation: A four-year longitudinal study of achievement and persistence in STEM. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 67, 102015.
Ranellucci, J., Robinson, K. A., Rosenberg, J. M., Lee, Y., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2021). Comparing the roles and correlates of emotions in class and during online video lectures in a flipped anatomy classroom. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101966.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., *White-Levatich, A., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020). Gender differences and roles of two competence beliefs in predicting post-college outcomes. Journal of Experimental Education.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Wormington, S. V. (2020). Trajectories of motivation and their academic correlates over the first year of college. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63, 1-15.
Robinson, K. A., *Beymer, P. N., Ranellucci, J., & Schmidt, J. A. (2020). Momentary emotion profiles in high school science and their relations to control, value, achievement, and science career intentions. Motivation Science. Advance online publication.
Robinson, K. A., Lee, Y., Bovee, E. A., Perez, T., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2019). Motivation in transition: Development and roles of expectancy, task values, and costs in early college engineering. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(6), 1081-1102.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Carmel, J. H., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2019). Science identity development trajectories in a gateway college chemistry course: Predictors and relations to achievement and STEM pursuit. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 180-192.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Nuttall, A. K., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2018). From science student to scientist: Predictors and outcomes of heterogeneous science identity trajectories in college. Developmental Psychology, 54, 1977-1992.
Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Perez, T., Barger, M., Wormington, S. V., Godin, E., Snyder, K., Robinson, K. A., . . ., & Schwartz-Bloom, R. (2018). Repairing the leaky pipeline: A motivationally supportive intervention to enhance persistence in undergraduate science pathways. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, 181-195.
Ranellucci, J., Hall, N. C., Muis, K. R., Lajoie, S. P., & Robinson, K. A. (2018). Mastery, maladaptive learning behavior, and academic achievement: An intervention approach. Canadian Journal of Education, 40, 704-738.
Robinson, K. A., Ranellucci, J., Lee, Y.-K., Wormington, S. V., Saltarelli, W., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2017). Affective profiles and academic success in a college anatomy course. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 209-221.
Bunting, B., Dye, B., Pinnegar, S., & Robinson, K. (2012) Understanding the dynamics of peer mentor learning: A narrative study. Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 24, 61-78.
*indicates mentored student
*Johnson, C., *Luong, R., Flake, J. K., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, August). What is motivational climate in education? Toward a comprehensive model. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN.
*Lee, S. Y., *Christiaans, E., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). Short-term expectancy and value trajectories in introductory computer science courses. Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
*Luong, R., *Johnson, C., Robinson, K. A., & Flake, J. K. (2022, June). Measuring motivational teaching: Validity evidence for a comprehensive measure of motivational climate in the classroom. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB, Canada.
*Christiaans, E., *Deshpande, H., *Rudakova, K., *Lee, S. Y., Robinson, K.A. (2022, April). What’s cost got to do with it? Cost trajectories of undergraduate computer science students. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
*Zheng, Q., *Potola, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). Comparing belonging trajectories, self-efficacy, and interest value across online and face-to-face environments. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2022, April). Development in context: Short-term trajectories of expectancy and values in chemistry and computer science. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). A shifting motivational landscape: Gender differences in perceptions of motivational climate. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Sjogren, A. L., Robinson, K. A., & Koenka, A. C. (2022, April). Expectancy-value-cost profiles: Exploring the affordances and drawbacks of the bifactor measurement model. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Liu, Z. V. (2022, April). A Self-Determination Theory approach for understanding the impact of COVID-19 on college students’ motivation. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, August). Motivating measures? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Diego, CA.
*Zheng, Q., *Potola, S., *Lee, S. Y., *Deshpande, H., *Christiaans, E., *Friedman, S., *Rudakova, K., *Horrocks, P., *Choi, S. J., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, June). A critical investigation of observational protocols for motivationally supportive instruction. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), virtual.
*Potola, S., *Zheng, Q., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., *Rudakova, K., *Deshpande, H., *Horrocks, P., *Choi, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, August). An empirical comparison of methods for observing motivationally supportive STEM teaching practices. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), virtual.
Robinson, K. A., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., McKeague, M., Pavelka, L., & Sirjoosingh, P. (2021, April). A mixed-methods investigation of heterogeneous joint trajectories of expectancy and attainment value in chemistry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual.
*Lee, S. Y., *Graham, L. R., *Friedman, S. N., *Christiaans, E. R., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, August). Expectancy-value-cost: Motivational patterns in introductory gateway chemistry courses. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, D.C.
*Friedman, S. N., *Graham, L. R., *Christiaans, E. R., *Lee, S. Y., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, May). Cost and climate perception in chemistry courses. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, QC.
Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., Caldwell, T., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Bovee, E., Lawson, H., Lee, A. A., Lira, A., K., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, June). Supporting excellent engineers. Poster accepted at the annual conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Montreal, QC.
Robinson, K. A., *Lira, A. K., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020, April). Instructional supports for motivational trajectories in introductory college engineering. Paper accepted in symposium at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Wormington, S. V. (2020, April). Trajectories of motivation and their academic correlates over the first year of college. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
*Lira, A. K., Robinson, K. A., Priniski, S. A., Perez, T., & Linnenbrink- Garcia, L. (2020, April). Examining relations of science identity and ethnic identity to science persistence using a motivation framework. Paper accepted at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Lee, A. A., Robinson, K. A., Lira, A. K., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., & Perez, T. (2020, April). Examining mindsets as an organizing framework: A person-oriented approach. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Priniski, S. J., Lee, A., *Murray, H., Robinson, K. A., Lee, Y.-k., Perez, T., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020, April). Short- and long-term effects of participation in undergraduate enrichment experiences on science career pursuits. Paper accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
In the Eye of the Beholder: Improving Theory-Informed Methods for Teacher Observation by Integrating Researcher, Student, and Teacher Perspectives
Connecting what teachers think, what teachers do, and what students think about it to motivational effects in large, introductory STEM courses and small high school classrooms.
Supporting Positive Motivation Trajectories in STEM Education
Examining average and heterogeneous trajectories of motivation, and exploring mechanisms of contextual supports for motivation.
A Shifting Motivational Landscape + Breaking Down Barriers
Exploring students' differential perceptions of and reactions to teachers' motivational supports in STEM courses, along with measurement of students' motivational climate perceptions.
Bootcamps as an Alternative Pipeline to a Diverse Technology Workforce
In collaboration with Lighthouse Labs, documenting the key factors explaining the choices, experiences, and outcomes of women's pursuit of an alternate
pipeline directly into the tech workforce. The ultimate aim of this project is to close opportunity gaps and increase the representation of women in computer science fields.
Identity Trajectories for College Students in STEM
Exploring heterogeneous science identity trajectories and their correlates in the short- and long-term from an expectancy-value theory perspective.
Mixed Emotions and Why They Matter in the Classroom
Identifying patterns of emotions in three unique STEM classroom settings and how profiles relate to motivation, academic engagement, and achievement.
Increasing Opportunity through Classroom Supports for Motivation and Identity Development (Fall 2017)
Worked with instructors to incorporate motivationally supportive practices into their instruction and facilitate multiple opportunities for optimal motivation through a randomized field experiment.
For the most up-to-date list of publications, see Kristy's Google Scholar profile at
Robinson, K. A., & *Shankar, S. (2025). Motivational trajectories and experiences of minoritized students in STEM: A QuantCrit examination of existing data. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2025). Same classroom, different affordances? Demographic differences in perceptions of motivational climate in five STEM courses. Journal of Experimental Education, 93(1), 110-135.
Greene, J. A., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Bold, humble, collaborative, and virtuous: The future of theory development in educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 36, 132.
*Johnson, C. D., *Lee, S. Y., *Diamant, R., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Charting the murky waters of motivational climate measurement: Past approaches and future directions. Educational Psychology Review, 36, article no. 123.
*Christiaans, E., *Lee, S. Y., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). What’s cost got to do with it? Cost belief trajectories of undergraduate computer science students. Educational Psychology, 4(5).
*Lee, S. Y., *Christiaans, E., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Development in context: Comparing short-term trajectories of expectancy, task values, and costs in four university STEM courses. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 78, 102282.
*Shankar, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Comparing relations among autonomy support, motivation, and academic success across face-to-face and pandemic online STEM learning environments. Learning and Individual Differences, 113, 102469.
Robinson, K. A., *Zheng, Q., *Shankar, S., *Lee, S. Y., & *Christiaans, E. (2024). Beyond self-report surveys: A comparison of methods for directly observing motivationally supportive teaching practices. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 76, 102254.
Robinson, K. A. (2023). Motivational climate theory: Disentangling definitions and roles of classroom motivational support, climate, and microclimates. Educational Psychologist, 58(2), 92-110.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2023). Same classroom, different affordances? Demographic differences in perceptions of motivational climate in five STEM courses. Journal of Experimental Education, advance online publication.
Sjogren, A. L., Robinson, K. A., & Koenka, A. C. (2023). Profiles of afterschool motivations: A situated expectancy-value approach. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 74, 102197.
Perez, T., Robinson, K. A., Priniski, S. J., Lee, Y., Totonchi, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2023). Patterns, predictors, and outcomes of situated expectancy value profiles in an introductory chemistry course. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (special issue: Learning Pathways Towards STEMM Excellence).
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Motivating by measuring motivation? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 70, 102072.
*Lee, S. Y., *Graham, L. R., *Friedman, S. N., *Christiaans, E. R., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Valuable but costly? University students’ expectancy-value-cost profiles in introductory chemistry courses. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, 102056.
Robinson, K. A., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., McKeague, M., Pavelka, L., & Sirjoosingh, P. (2022). You know what, I can do this: Heterogeneous joint trajectories of expectancy and attainment value in chemistry. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, 102055.
Robinson, K. A., *Lira, K., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2022). Instructional supports for motivation trajectories in introductory college engineering. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-18.
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2022). Motivating by measuring motivation? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 70, 102072.
Lee, Y., Bovee, E. A., Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Lira, A. K., Briedis, D., Walton, S. P., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2022). Is expectancy or value alone sufficient? Latent interaction in predicting engineering students’ choice, persistence, and performance. Journal of Engineering Education, online first.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Liu, Z. (2022). Comparing college students’ motivation trajectories before and during COVID-19: A self-determination theory approach. Frontiers in Education.
Beymer, P. N., Robinson, K. A., Schmidt, J. A. (2021). Classroom activities as predictors of control, value, and state emotions in high school science. Journal of Educational Research.
Totonchi, D. A., Perez, T., Lee, Y., Robinson, K. A., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2021). The role of stereotype threat in ethnic minority students’ declining science motivation: A four-year longitudinal study of achievement and persistence in STEM. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 67, 102015.
Ranellucci, J., Robinson, K. A., Rosenberg, J. M., Lee, Y., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2021). Comparing the roles and correlates of emotions in class and during online video lectures in a flipped anatomy classroom. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101966.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., *White-Levatich, A., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020). Gender differences and roles of two competence beliefs in predicting post-college outcomes. Journal of Experimental Education.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Wormington, S. V. (2020). Trajectories of motivation and their academic correlates over the first year of college. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63, 1-15.
Robinson, K. A., *Beymer, P. N., Ranellucci, J., & Schmidt, J. A. (2020). Momentary emotion profiles in high school science and their relations to control, value, achievement, and science career intentions. Motivation Science. Advance online publication.
Robinson, K. A., Lee, Y., Bovee, E. A., Perez, T., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2019). Motivation in transition: Development and roles of expectancy, task values, and costs in early college engineering. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(6), 1081-1102.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Carmel, J. H., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2019). Science identity development trajectories in a gateway college chemistry course: Predictors and relations to achievement and STEM pursuit. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 180-192.
Robinson, K. A., Perez, T., Nuttall, A. K., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2018). From science student to scientist: Predictors and outcomes of heterogeneous science identity trajectories in college. Developmental Psychology, 54, 1977-1992.
Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Perez, T., Barger, M., Wormington, S. V., Godin, E., Snyder, K., Robinson, K. A., . . ., & Schwartz-Bloom, R. (2018). Repairing the leaky pipeline: A motivationally supportive intervention to enhance persistence in undergraduate science pathways. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, 181-195.
Ranellucci, J., Hall, N. C., Muis, K. R., Lajoie, S. P., & Robinson, K. A. (2018). Mastery, maladaptive learning behavior, and academic achievement: An intervention approach. Canadian Journal of Education, 40, 704-738.
Robinson, K. A., Ranellucci, J., Lee, Y.-K., Wormington, S. V., Saltarelli, W., Roseth, C. J., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2017). Affective profiles and academic success in a college anatomy course. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 209-221.
Bunting, B., Dye, B., Pinnegar, S., & Robinson, K. (2012) Understanding the dynamics of peer mentor learning: A narrative study. Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 24, 61-78.
*indicates mentored student
*Johnson, C., *Luong, R., Flake, J. K., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, August). What is motivational climate in education? Toward a comprehensive model. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN.
*Lee, S. Y., *Christiaans, E., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). Short-term expectancy and value trajectories in introductory computer science courses. Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
*Luong, R., *Johnson, C., Robinson, K. A., & Flake, J. K. (2022, June). Measuring motivational teaching: Validity evidence for a comprehensive measure of motivational climate in the classroom. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB, Canada.
*Christiaans, E., *Deshpande, H., *Rudakova, K., *Lee, S. Y., Robinson, K.A. (2022, April). What’s cost got to do with it? Cost trajectories of undergraduate computer science students. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
*Zheng, Q., *Potola, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). Comparing belonging trajectories, self-efficacy, and interest value across online and face-to-face environments. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Robinson, K. A., & *Lee, S. Y. (2022, April). Development in context: Short-term trajectories of expectancy and values in chemistry and computer science. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Robinson, K. A. (2022, April). A shifting motivational landscape: Gender differences in perceptions of motivational climate. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Sjogren, A. L., Robinson, K. A., & Koenka, A. C. (2022, April). Expectancy-value-cost profiles: Exploring the affordances and drawbacks of the bifactor measurement model. Paper submitted in symposium to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Liu, Z. V. (2022, April). A Self-Determination Theory approach for understanding the impact of COVID-19 on college students’ motivation. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Beymer, P. N., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, August). Motivating measures? Examining reactivity in a daily diary study on student motivation. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Diego, CA.
*Zheng, Q., *Potola, S., *Lee, S. Y., *Deshpande, H., *Christiaans, E., *Friedman, S., *Rudakova, K., *Horrocks, P., *Choi, S. J., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, June). A critical investigation of observational protocols for motivationally supportive instruction. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), virtual.
*Potola, S., *Zheng, Q., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., *Rudakova, K., *Deshpande, H., *Horrocks, P., *Choi, S., & Robinson, K. A. (2021, August). An empirical comparison of methods for observing motivationally supportive STEM teaching practices. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), virtual.
Robinson, K. A., *Lee, S. Y., *Friedman, S., *Christiaans, E., McKeague, M., Pavelka, L., & Sirjoosingh, P. (2021, April). A mixed-methods investigation of heterogeneous joint trajectories of expectancy and attainment value in chemistry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual.
*Lee, S. Y., *Graham, L. R., *Friedman, S. N., *Christiaans, E. R., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, August). Expectancy-value-cost: Motivational patterns in introductory gateway chemistry courses. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, D.C.
*Friedman, S. N., *Graham, L. R., *Christiaans, E. R., *Lee, S. Y., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, May). Cost and climate perception in chemistry courses. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, QC.
Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., Caldwell, T., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Bovee, E., Lawson, H., Lee, A. A., Lira, A., K., & Robinson, K. A. (2020, June). Supporting excellent engineers. Poster accepted at the annual conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Montreal, QC.
Robinson, K. A., *Lira, A. K., Walton, S. P., Briedis, D., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020, April). Instructional supports for motivational trajectories in introductory college engineering. Paper accepted in symposium at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Corpus, J. H., Robinson, K. A., & Wormington, S. V. (2020, April). Trajectories of motivation and their academic correlates over the first year of college. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
*Lira, A. K., Robinson, K. A., Priniski, S. A., Perez, T., & Linnenbrink- Garcia, L. (2020, April). Examining relations of science identity and ethnic identity to science persistence using a motivation framework. Paper accepted at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Lee, A. A., Robinson, K. A., Lira, A. K., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., & Perez, T. (2020, April). Examining mindsets as an organizing framework: A person-oriented approach. Poster accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Priniski, S. J., Lee, A., *Murray, H., Robinson, K. A., Lee, Y.-k., Perez, T., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2020, April). Short- and long-term effects of participation in undergraduate enrichment experiences on science career pursuits. Paper accepted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.